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Decision Tree on Repairing Equipment in the Field vs Dealer Shop
December 30, 2022
As the inspiration for writing this article, as a servicing dealer we are frequently asked by customers how to determine the most cost-effective location for completing equipment repairs. Unfortunately, like most questions, there is no simple or single answer. The following is a list of variables that we consider as we share our recommendation.
- Will the equipment need to be dismantled or laid down on its side to remove it from the building? Often lift trucks with tall masts are assembled inside the building since the overall lowered height is too tall to drive under building or dock door openings.
- Does the equipment size or gross weight prohibit transporting without hauling permits or specialized trailers?
- Is the equipment that is needing repaired able to be driven out of the building, or will it need to be towed to a location where it can be loaded on a truck for hauling?
- Is a rental replacement required while the equipment is being repaired? If so, a haul is already being made and likely makes sense to pickup the disabled equipment needing repair at the same time the rental is delivered.
- Does the customer have the available space for safe completion of the repairs at their site?
- Is the weather conducive for completing the repair outdoors at the customer site?
- Environmentally, is the customer site free of atmospheric conditions that allows the repair to be completed without contamination entering fluids etc.?
- Does the repair require lifting heavy components that exceed the ability of one person to safely handle?
- Where can the repair be completed most effectively with the least number of labor and/or travel hours?
- Will multiple trips be required due to the extensive nature of the repair that exceeds a single workday, or will parts need to be ordered that will require another trip to complete the repair?
- Are there “unknowns” about the extent of the repair that might require multiple trips (i.e. will brake drums need to be turned in addition to replacing brake shoes etc.)
As service professionals, we understand the impact on your operation when equipment is out of service and will do our best to educate and share information that helps you make the best possible decision. Please feel free to contact us at 1-800-362-3097 with any questions or opportunity to assist.